Bob's 10-Point Pledge
1. To implement a new philosophy in the District Attorney's office from a 'do nothing' mentality to a call to action.
This strikes at the heart as to why I am running. The lack of accountability to the citizens of Conecuh and Monroe counties has allowed criminal cases to pile up and get to the point of a serious back-log. This is not acceptable. My pledge to you that if elected your next District Attorney that I will be pro-active in reviewing and prosecuting cases, and my office will answer the call to action that so many of you desire. I would be honored to lead that charge.

2. To make the District Attorney's office more efficient, effective and fair to all citizens.
As a tax-paying citizen, you deserve government offices to work as efficiently as they can while being effective in their daily duties as advocates of the Conecuh and Monroe counties District Attorney’s office. You have the right for your case or issue to be resolved in a professional and timely way. My pledge to you as your next District Attorney is that I will work tirelessly to make the office more efficient and effective, and I will be fair to all.

3. To support law enforcement by prosecuting the criminals that they arrest.
Our brave men and women of law enforcement of Conecuh and Monroe counties work hard every day to protect all of us and put their life on the line to do so. For the District Attorney to not do everything possible to support our local law enforcement by prosecuting the criminals that they arrest is a dereliction of duty! To look the other way or to merely put the case on a growing stack of other cases to be settled at some time in the distant future is not acceptable. My pledge to you is that I will stay on top of all arrests and try those cases in a timely and fair manner.

4. To have an open-door policy where I will meet with victims, their families, as well any citizen of Conecuh and Monroe Counties.
As I travel throughout our counties listening to citizens' concerns, a topic that is often brought up in conversation is that our citizens feel detached from their District Attorney’s office. They simply don’t feel that they are being listened to. They don’t feel welcome to to come into the office, and they do not think they will be heard when they have a concern. My pledge to you is that when I am elected, I will make it a top priority that citizens feel comfortable coming in and talking with either me or any member of my staff. We might not always see eye to eye on a given issue, but I will listen to you and give you the respect you deserve.

5. To do my job as District Attorney in a timely and highly ethical manner.
As your District Attorney, I understand the trust that you have given me to be your advocate. I take that seriously and will strive to perform my daily duties at the highest level of professionalism. My pledge to you is that my staff and I will treat every case with hand and the utmost concern for ethics so that all citizens of Conecuh and Monroe Counties are proud to call me their District Attorney.

6. To put career criminals in prison where they belong.
We all see reports on the news about someone caught committing a crime and hear that it was the person’s third, twentieth or fiftieth arrest. We all ask ourselves, “Why is that person on the street to begin with?” That is an excellent question, and I share your frustration. Most crimes, whether in Conecuh or Monroe Counties or in New York City, for that matter, are committed by career criminals. As your District Attorney, my pledge to you is that I will do everything in my power to rid our community of career criminals by putting them behind bars where they belong.
7. To be transparent in the functions of the District Attorney’s office.
It would be a misrepresentation of the facts for me to say that every function and aspect of the District Attorney’s office will be open for any and all to view, because we deal in highly sensitive cases. Most times, those areas are limited by laws and ethical practices to protect victims and their rights. All crime victims are entitled to know what is happening with their cases. The accused is entitled to know what they are charged with and their rights. My pledge to you is that as your District Attorney, I will be as transparent as the law allows. However, in the process, I will do everything in my power to protect each individual’s privacy.

8. To be fair and provide equal justice to all those accused whether they make $10,000 or $100,000 a year.
The scales of justice, when properly applied, treat people as equals regardless of their race, sex, religion, creed, class, handicap, or financial situation. As your District Attorney, my pledge to you is that I will treat every person with the same respect and dignity that each one of you deserves, no matter what your background happens to be. To me, every person has value and should be treated as such. EVERY person.

9. To be a tireless litigator for the people of Conecuh and Monroe Counties.
One of the main reasons that I got in this race was because the District Attorney’s office of Conecuh and Monroe counties rarely go to court to try Jury trials. I love being in court. I have tried more jury cases by for in my career than my opponent, and my pledge to you is that I will be a tireless litigator for the citizens of Conecuh and Monroe counties, and I look forward to the honor of being your advocate.

10. To be an advocate for the law-abiding citizens of Conecuh and Monroe Counties by protecting your God-given rights.
There are rights given to us as citizens of the United States via the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, and there are rights given to us as citizens of Alabama and Conecuh and Monroe Counties. There are also God-given truths that all men are created equal and have the right to govern themselves as a sovereign people. It was within God-given rights that we have been given the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are seeing an erosion of those rights in our society. My pledge to you is that I will do everything within my power to protect your legal rights that are written in the legal code of our state and country, but also to protect and defend your rights given to you by Almighty God.