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Proven, Positive, and Professional?

Writer's picture: Amanda McCrackenAmanda McCracken

We’ve all seen the ads Bob’s opponent, Todd Watson, places in local papers touting himself as “proven, positive, & professional.” But is he?

In the 15 years since Todd Watson has worked in the Conecuh and Monroe District Attorney’s office and the last 10 being Chief Assistant where he has a direct effect on cases being dealt with and worked on, we are positive that the DA’s office has allowed untold amount of criminal cases to back up; including murder cases. It is proven and we are positive that Todd Watson will say anything to shift the blame to somebody or something else and he his adept as saying he will make changes if he is elected. Do you believe him?

We are positive that the back log of cases did not start with the pandemic. We are positive that these problems have been plaguing our counties for much longer than the last 2 years. This is a proven systemic problem that is unique to Todd Watson’s DA’s office, and it is past time for a change in leadership. We are positive and it is proven that crime is out of control in our counties and the district attorney’s office is not prosecuting an overwhelming amount of criminals that our law enforcement officials arrest.

We are positive that we are tired of being asked for more chances and being sold empty promises with little to no results. It is past time that the DA’s office is professional in all their dealings with the citizens of Conecuh and Monroe Counties.

It’s proven and we are positive that many citizens who have walked into the DA’s office who have been a victim of crime or have some case pending in the DA’s office were not treated in a professional manner. Everybody should be treated with respect and have their voice and questions heard. And we are positive that never should any citizen be told that their case isn’t as important as other cases.

Todd Watson has proven that over the past 15 years in the DA’s office that he is willing to draw a large salary while doing very little work and allowing unresolved cases to back up, including murder cases. The District Attorney’s office with Todd Watson in leadership has not been professional. They should never ignore a citizen because they happen to live in a small community. Citizens shouldn’t be yelled at or dismissed because they insist on knowing what is going on with their cases.

We are positive and it is proven that over a 3 year period, Monroe and Conecuh Counties District Attorney’s office collected close to $820,000 for Child Support Recovery but yet the state paid them almost $1 million dollars in the same period to do the work. If every dollar of the child support collections in these two counties can be attributed to the work of our DA’s office, as they claim they have to do this Child Support Recovery work and it affects their ability to prosecute criminal cases due to time constraints, it seems like they are only recovering about $0.82 of child support for every $1 we pay them with our tax dollars for this work.

We are positive that criminals should be put behind bars after they are found guilty in a court of law. It is proven that the current system of justice in Conecuh and Monroe counties feel otherwise.

Isn’t it strange how many politicians seem to want to fix issues during an election year? Why would residents of our community think that what has been going on for years will magically stop, or get better? Do you really believe things will change? Do you think all of a sudden that the District Attorney’s office with Todd Watson leading will be professional in all their dealings?

We are positive that all of this can be fixed on Election Day!

We are positive that Bob McMillan is a proven leader. We are positive that Bob McMillan has identified the many problems in the Conecuh and Monroe Counties DA’s office and has a step by step plan to fix those problems.

It is proven that Bob McMillan is a professional with an exemplary record of fair and ethical practices, and we are positive that Bob McMillan will never embarrass you in the way that he goes about the business of being your District Attorney.

We are positive that Bob McMillan will listen to the people and will treat them with the respect that they deserve no matter who they are.

It is proven that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a new result. We are positive that the citizens of Conecuh and Monroe counties are ready for a change in the District Attorney’s office. Enough is enough!

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